Monday, August 3, 2009

Holly Day Hofburg Palace,Australia

Holly Day Hofburg Palace,Australia..............
The Hofburg Palace in Vienna is today the Austrian Federal President's official seat, but it was not always that way. Originally, Hofburg Palace was a wintertime imperial residence for the Habsburgs almighty. After the Holy Roman Empire fell and the Austro-Hungarian Empire rose, however, the Emperor of Austria assumed control of the palace. It served as the Emperor of Austria's residence until 1918. A glorious edifice it is, the Hofburg Imperial Palace looms large right in the heart of Vienna. The palace complex is quite large, having been modified and added onto consistently after the first building went up in 1279. It's almost a small city within itself, offering curious visitors plenty to explore. You can not help but notice when touring Hofburg Palace Vienna's Old Town, and it begs a visit.

In Vienna, the Hofburg Imperial Palace is often referred to as just die Burg, which translates to "the Palace". Boasting some 2.600 rooms, it is quite large, which helps to explain its status within the city. The palace faces the Heldenplatz, which is one of Vienna's most historical squares. It was here, for example, where Adolf Hitler announced the annexation of Austria to Germany, which occurred in 1938. The Heldenplatz was originally to become part of the greater Kaiserforum, or imperial forum, which Emperor Francis Joseph had in mind. The forum never saw completion, however. The Hofburg Imperial Palace itself was hardly completed when it first served as the seat of government in 1279. Many notable architects and engineers had a hand in the palace's expansions. Among the list of renowned architects were the von Erlachs, who were masterful Baroque designers. Their work is also on display at the Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna, which was the summertime imperial residence of the Habsburgs.

It can be hard to take it all in when enjoying tours of the Hofburg Imperial Palace. Often times, it helps to focus on a few main areas. The Imperial Apartments are definitely worth a look. They are lavish examples of just how Ornate European palace rooms can be, rivaling what you can expect to see at the Palace of Versailles in France, for example. The Schatzkammer, or the Imperial Treasury is also something that visitors to Hofburg Palace will not want to miss. It can be accessed by a staircase that leads from the Swiss Court, which is one of the earliest parts of the palace complex. Inside the Treasury are some of the most impressive jewels that you will see anywhere in Europe. Sparkling Among the exhibits is a priceless imperial crown that is encrusted with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. It dates back to 962! Stolen by Hitler in 1938, the crown would eventually be returned to Vienna by the American Army.

Next to the Treasury is the Imperial Chapel, and it is here where the famous Vienna Boys' Choir performs. They sing at Sunday Mass between the months of September and March. To see them, you will have to make reservations at least two months in advance, though standing-room-only spots are available for some 60 people each Sunday. One of the other main parts of the Hofburg Palace that you will want to include in your visit is the New Palace Museum. It was the last major addition that was made to the palace, and it was completed not long before the advent of World War I. Among its exhibits are old musical instruments, a statuary, and an armory. The armory offers a rather different appeal than does the music room of historical instruments, and instead of claviers, violas, lutes, and, instead you'll see swords, crossbows, and suits of Armor.

The Hofburg Palace in Vienna is not only home to the Vienna Boys' Choir, but also the Spanische Reitschule, or Spanish Riding School. Famous in its own right, it is where you can see the talented Lipizzaner stallions, who have been entertaining folks for four centuries with their sleek performances. Prancing and dancing about, these beautiful horses know how to put on a show. They can be seen at different times throughout the year, and shows are pretty regular, giving you a great chance to catch one.

The Austrian Castles and palaces are a delight to both see and explore, and the Hofburg Imperial Palace is one of the country's more intriguing and interesting offerings. Adding to its allure is the fact it was the birthplace of one Marie Antoinette. Born an Archduchess of Austria in 1755, Antoinette, who is famous for having had to face the guillotine in 1793, was also once the Queen of both France and Navarre, which is a region in Spain. The Hofburg Palace in Vienna is a Testament to the rich history of Austria, it is a place where the imagination will run wild. Open daily, you can visit it from 9 a.m. to 5:30 pm September through June, and from 9 am to 8:00 p.m. in July and August. Since it is busier in July and August, you might avoid the crowds by showing up early or later in the day. Before or after visiting Hofburg Palace, you will also want to stop by St. Stephens Cathedral, which is found close by in the heart of the Inner Stadt (inner city). And, just across from the palace is the Kunsthistorisches Museum, which houses art and artifacts collected by the Habsburgs, among other exhibits.


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