Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First Trip ToTaveuni Island Resort

First Trip ToTaveuni Island Resort...............

Fiji Taveuni is one of the most beautiful island in Fiji with thick beautiful tropical flora and fauna and natural beauty that holds you expect from a desert island untouched. Fiji Taveuni is known as the garden island of Fiji Islands. You may not believe this part of history, but the enemies were eaten during the celebration of the breadfruit. Yes, at one time, known as the Fiji Islands Islands cannibals. Taveuni Fiji is home to several species of tropical birds, so if you like bird watching, then you have to put this activity at the top of the list of attractions Taveuni. Historically, Taveuni Island is known only because of the coconut plantations, however, currently one of the most sought after places for a brilliant holiday for Taveuni diving opportunities are very good.

The underwater world around Taveuni Island offers an array of beauty including the amount of unique marine life such as soft corals, sea snakes, and clownfish to name a few. Warrior Tomb Cave is a must see attraction Taveuni. Before Europeans discovered the Fiji Islands, Fiji using the cave as a secret burial cave for their honorable fighters. Legend explaining the burial cave of secrecy of their best soldiers to make sure the enemy will not disturb the grave of this brave soldier. Taveuni attractions abound and the flora, fauna, and marine life. Taveuni attractions including natural beauty, Fiji historical monuments, and various activities. If you're looking for Taveuni attractions that allow you to get involved then you might wisht to visit Soqulu Plantation.

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