Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Sistine Chapel Italy

The Sistine Chapel ItalyThe Sistine Chapel Italy

The Sistine Chapel ItalyThe Sistine Chapel Italy

The Sistine Chapel ItalyThe Sistine Chapel Italy

The Sistine Chapel Italy
The Sistine Chapel Italy
The Sistine Chapel in Rome, thanks to Michelangelo, is one of the finest and grandest examples of Renaissance art, along with Raphael's portraits and the Mona Lisa. The enigmatic masterpiece from Leonardo da Vinci is now the Louvre Museum in France. Several of Michelangelo's scenes were inspired by the book of Genesis, including the iconic "Creation of Adam," in which the man reaches out for the hand of God.

Along with self-directed tours, you can book guided tours that combine a visit to the chapel along with the Tapestry Gallery, Pio Clementino Museum, Gallery of the Candelabras, Gallery of the Geographical Maps, and the Raphael Rooms. Separate garden and art tours are offered along with those Detailing the history of the Sistine Chapel. Centuries of dullness were carefully stripped away, revealing the bright colors, the painter Knew well.

The Ceilings and the frescoes, including "The Last Judgment" became even more brilliant.
Gallery of the Geographical Maps, and the Raphael Rooms. Separate garden and art tours are offered along with those Detailing the history of the Sistine Chapel.

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