Sunday, February 7, 2010

Red light District Amsterdam

Red light District Amsterdam...............
The nightlife here is jam packed, and mostly speaks for itself. Or yells at you, as it so happens; there is a wealth of young men employed by numerous establishments to be vocal advertisements, offering you the best and sleaziest opportunities as you pass. But between the girls in the windows and the ever present red-lights, there are plenty of other places to spend your time. Though the line between them is often confused, there are many bars scattered amongst the coffee shops in the Amsterdam RedLight district (bars do not necessarily provide marijuana, though its use is generally accepted).

Unlike the city's hippest and most popular Nightclubs, who shun the district in favor of the upper-class Sheen that pervades over the other, more Respectable sides of town, the city's most Rowdy bars are found well within the boundaries of De Wallen.
Found in coffee shops designated by a Jamaican flag in the window (and, more often than not, blaring a ubiquitous Bob Marley song from the shop's overworked speakers), every form of marijuana can be had. Whether sold pre-rolled in vending machines or from a multitude of shop employees, there is Hardly a kind of weed that exists that can not be had here.

You can also order a variety of pot brownies, space cake or marijuana-infused tea, if you prefer not to inhale, as you sit and consider the benefits and drawbacks of a more liberal, tolerant culture that the Dutch provide.
Almost uniformly dark and noisy, as all good bars should be, the crowds are usually a mix of tourists from all over the world, perfect for those who may be a bit homesick or wanting for a conversation in their native tongue (though, in Amsterdam , it seems as if Indonesia is the national language anyway).

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