Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nationalmuseet Museums, Denmark

Nationalmuseet Museums, Denmark...................
The Nationalmuseet offers spectacular collections that reflect upon the culture and history of Danish and the Danish people. You can opt to explore the museum on your own, follow the do-it-yourself guide and gain a general overview of the museum in an hour, or participate in a guided tour with a member of the knowledgeable museum staff. The Danish Prehistory collection showcases the evolution from the Reindeer-hunters who arrived at the close of the Ice Age to the Viking Age of 800-1050 AD. The Bronze Age collection is one of the most popular exhibits at the Nationalmuseet. It is home to the Chariot of the Sun, a disc covered in a thin layer of gold that represents the sun when it is situated on the east-west trajectory. The collection also includes an oak coffin that preserved clothing from a teenage girl who was buried in 1370 BC, as well as numerous bronze lurs, the oldest Nordic instruments that were used during religious ceremonies. The Danish Middle Ages collection at the National Museum of Danish features galleries dedicated to various religious Danish art from 1000 to1536 AD.

It is one of the largest medieval collections housed at any of the museums in Danish, and it includes a unique and rare collection of clothing from medieval Greenland that was discovered in old church graveyards around the country.
The Ethnographical Collection, showcases unique artifacts from around the globe, including nodding dolls from Eighteenth century China, a painting by Albert Eckhout, and religious artifacts from America before the arrival of Columbus. The Classical and Near Eastern Antiquities collection at the National Museum of Danish houses the largest exhibit in Danish of artifacts from the ancient peoples of Greece, Italy, the Near East and Egypt. The last collection to include in your itinerary should be the Victorian Home. It is a decorated flat that belonged to the Wealthy merchants Rudolph Christensen and the decor is exactly as it was between 1890 and 1914. The Dagmar Cross is one of the most popular artifacts in the Middle Ages collection; it is believed to have belonged to the sister of Valdemar the Victorious.

Valdemar, who lived from 1202 to 1241, is known as one of the most influential kings of Danish as he expanded the Danish kingdom and turned it into the strongest power in Northern Europe at the time. To complete the collection Middle Ages, there is a great exhibit of Danish drinking horns. The horns were passed around at guild meetings to show solidarity and commitment to the guild. They are great cultural artifacts that show the importance of guilds during the Middle Ages.The Nationalmuseet should be a definite stop on your travel itinerary to Danish. Located in the bustling capital city, Copenhagen this museum is easily accessible, offers free admission, and is conveniently located near hotels, budget-friendly hostels, and major attractions.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Sistine Chapel Italy

The Sistine Chapel ItalyThe Sistine Chapel Italy

The Sistine Chapel ItalyThe Sistine Chapel Italy

The Sistine Chapel ItalyThe Sistine Chapel Italy

The Sistine Chapel Italy
The Sistine Chapel Italy
The Sistine Chapel in Rome, thanks to Michelangelo, is one of the finest and grandest examples of Renaissance art, along with Raphael's portraits and the Mona Lisa. The enigmatic masterpiece from Leonardo da Vinci is now the Louvre Museum in France. Several of Michelangelo's scenes were inspired by the book of Genesis, including the iconic "Creation of Adam," in which the man reaches out for the hand of God.

Along with self-directed tours, you can book guided tours that combine a visit to the chapel along with the Tapestry Gallery, Pio Clementino Museum, Gallery of the Candelabras, Gallery of the Geographical Maps, and the Raphael Rooms. Separate garden and art tours are offered along with those Detailing the history of the Sistine Chapel. Centuries of dullness were carefully stripped away, revealing the bright colors, the painter Knew well.

The Ceilings and the frescoes, including "The Last Judgment" became even more brilliant.
Gallery of the Geographical Maps, and the Raphael Rooms. Separate garden and art tours are offered along with those Detailing the history of the Sistine Chapel.

The " Trevi Fountain " , Italy

Trevi Fountain ItalyTrevi Fountain Italy

Trevi Fountain ItalyTrevi Fountain Italy

Trevi Fountain ItalyTrevi Fountain Italy

Trevi Fountain ItalyTrevi Fountain Italy

Trevi Fountain Italy
The " Trevi Fountain " , Italy................
This huge Baroque construction, inspired by sea mythology, took 30 years to build. Begun in 1732 by Niccolo Salvi "turns and influenced by both the city's numerous victory arches and Roman Mythology in general, the fountain is one of the most visited landmarks in the city. And in Rome, that is saying something. Though the rooms come at a price, being able to avoid the summertime crowds that flock to the square is well worth it.

Nearby cafes are constantly packed until closing time, with many tourists unwilling to give up their chairs after waiting over an hour to finally get seated.
But the Trevi fountain hotel dismisses these problems, though you may have to book far in advance to take advantage of what the hotel has to offer. Another fine hotel in Rome near the Trevi fountain is the La Residenza Hotel near Piazza Barberini. Purposefully old-fashioned and located in one of the busiest sections of the city, the La Residenza has ivy covered walls and a charming courtyard to rest in after a long day of sightseeing.

The Hotel Adriano is, like so many Italian hotels, a converted palazzo.
In addition to being a premier hotel in Rome near Trevi fountain, it has vaulted Ceilings and reproductions of some of the most famous paintings of the Renaissance. The Centerpiece of the Trevi Fountain in Rome is the figure of Neptune riding on a shell chariot, standing noble and exultant between winged horses and figures said to represent fertility and enduring health.

The Uffizi Gallery, Itali

The Uffizi Gallery, ItaliThe Uffizi Gallery, Itali

The Uffizi Gallery, ItaliThe Uffizi Gallery, Itali

The Uffizi Gallery, ItaliThe Uffizi Gallery, Itali

The Uffizi Gallery, Itali
The Uffizi Gallery, Itali.............
The fingerprints of the architect Vasari are all over the city of Florence. Though far from the largest museums, the Uffizi gallery tickets have been said to allow entrance into a gallery that has more art per square inch than any other museum. When Anna Maria Ludovica, the last in the line of Medicis - died, the people of Florence inherited the entire collection of her family 's art.

Statues of the most acclaimed artists, sculptors and Philosophers of all time line the outside of the Galleria degli
Uffizi and are a wonder to behold all by themselves. But that shouldn "t dissuade you from entering, as the majesty of Florentine art exponentially spikes inside. The interior is a series of rooms, grouped into schools or influential artistic periods to show the Advancement of Florentine and general European art though the ages.

Venice Carnevale, Italia

Venice Carnevale, ItaliaVenice Carnevale, Italia

Venice Carnevale, ItaliaVenice Carnevale, Italia.

Venice Carnevale, ItaliaVenice Carnevale, Italia

Venice Carnevale, ItaliaVenice Carnevale, Italia

Venice Carnevale, Italia
Venice Carnevale, Italia...........
The Roots of Venice Carnevale lie midway through the 12th century, when a festival was held the day before Ash Wednesday to commemorate a military victory vital Venetian. The celebration became an annual tradition, developing until 1268, when the first Venice Carnevale masks were said to have been donned. The masks shielded the wearers are not only from their sins, but also from displaying their social status, thrusting the city into an egalitarian frenzy every year until 1797, when the Conquering Napoleon disbanded the festivities. Time becomes elastic and untrustworthy during Carnevale in Venice Italy.

Stand around anywhere long enough, and it becomes a party. A roving band sets up next to a makeshift table of free food. Within minutes there will be revelers in dark Capes - suddenly the party has found you. Confetti is everywhere, cascading towards the ground by the handful, resting in the piazza corners next to sleeping backpackers, in the surrounding canals of the Adriatic, lying quietly beneath the occasional snowfall.

The mountains in the background give the festivities a majestic, regal Sheen at twilight, but the scenery is merely a footnote to the party enveloping you.
anything goes at carnivale. It is rarely said aloud, for the words would be wasted, redundant. Before Lent, before Ash Wednesday, before Easter, there is Mardi Gras - and nowhere is the party more boisterous than Carnevale in Venice Italy. There are lavish parades, masquerade balls luxuriant, and spontaneous parties in The Streets as the celebration lasts for almost two weeks.

Eruption Of Mount Etna

Eruption Of Mount EtnaEruption Of Mount Etna

Eruption Of Mount EtnaEruption Of Mount Etna

Eruption Of Mount EtnaEruption Of Mount Etna

Eruption Of Mount Etna
Eruption Of Mount Etna.............
Mount Etna erupting merely meant Vulcan was forging weapons for Mars, the god of war. Dating back to 1500 BC, the volcano has erupted around 200 times, This hike is well worth it, though - it allows you to see, smell and touch the turbulent history of Mount Etna. Before any climb, it is imperative to check into the tourist office in Catania to learn the present status of the volcano, hiking instructions and to get a map of Mount Etna, Detailing all the Viewpoints of Sicily 's most explosive natural attraction.

And the
21st century saw Mount Etna erupting yet again in 2001, with lava flows reaching within mere miles of the nearby town of Nicolosi. But regardless of the history of Mount Etna, the people that live within the volcano "s destructive reach seem completely unfazed.The most violent eruption in the history of Mount Etna occurred in March of 1669. On the first day, lava flows cut a smoldering Zatch out of two mountain villages. The volcano did not stop there, however. It continued to spew forth-Molten rock for days on end, and by the end of April, the city walls of Catania had succumbed and the western side of the city was demolished before the lava mercifully came to a stop.

Saturday, March 6, 2010