Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chenonceau Castle France Travel Destination

Chenonceau Castle France Travel Destination.............
Chenonceau Castle was traditionally a castle for women, and its design shows the Delicate touch of its many female residents-so much so That it is often Referred to as the château de Femmes. Chenonceau Castle over the set of arches spanning the River Cher, giving the appearance That the château is floating on water and Helping to make it the most beautiful Castles in the Loire Valley. many Castles In Loire Valley, Chenonceau castle was never intended to be a defensive fortress and has none of the imposing walls and towers That typify medieval Castles, Castel ins like Stirling Scotland.

Instead, this was an achingly beautiful pleasure palace and is now one of the most popular attractions in France.
Summer hours acres 9 am to 7 pm (winter hours acres of fall and Shorter). This is one of the busiest attractions in France, so it is best to come early to avoid crowds. Admission is about $ 15 Each. The château contains a wealth of objets d'art: intricately sculpted ceilings, antique furniture, and world-class Paintings by Rubens, Correggio, and others. The beautiful valley is a great place for a French vacation camping or a day trip from Paris. (Tours, the principal city of the Loire Valley, is about 150 miles from the French capital.) In the heart of the valley, along the River Cher.

When King Henry II succeeded to the crown in 1547 he Gave Chenonceau Castle to his older mistress, Dianne de Poitiers, a Legendary beauty of the time.
Catherine de Medici, took Possession of this French castle from her dead Husband's mistress. Catherine made many Improvements to the chateau, landscaping the gardens and completing the construction of the raised bridge, including a 200-foot long gallery runs from one end That of Chenonceau Castle to the other. Catherine bequeathed this French castle to Louise of Lorraine, the wife of her son Henry III.

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