Monday, July 12, 2010

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Spain Travel Tours

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Spain Air Travel
Located in Spain's northern Basque region and Designed by the architect Frank O. Gehry, the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao is built on a 32.500 square meter site in the center of the city. The exterior of the building is a combination of interconnecting shapes. Blocks of limestone contrast with Curved forms covered in half-millimeter thick "fish scale" titanium panels. The main stone, glass and titanium curves Were Designed with the aid of computers due to on their mathematical complexity. Gazing upon the massive museum, visitors feel as If they want are looking not at a building, but a huge sculpture with the city of Bilbao serving as a backdrop. A Flight of Steps ushers pedestrians down to the Museum hall. Passing through the entrance hall, visitors come to the atrium IMMEDIATELY.

The galleries are organized Themselves on three levels around the central atrium, and are interconnected by curving walkways suspended from the roof, glass elevators and a spiral winding stair cases.
It is a spectacular vision, Almost a city with in a city, and Truly Among the best art tourism, Spain has to offer. Built to house Some of the Twentieth Century's greatest works of art, the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao has instead changed from as artistically renowned as the Paintings That hang from its walls.

From within the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Spain Seems far away, as you lose yourself in the 250 works of art housed in the 11.000-square-meter building's Nineteen galleries.
Once inside the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, it Becomes Beneath the apparent complexity of the outer building there lies a clear and Easily maneuverable world. For Those WHO visit Spain to see modern art, the Guggenheim is a Feast for the Eyes. Besides work by Spanish masters (Picasso, Dali, and Miro), the museum houses a post-modern American works by Rothko and De Kooning. Truly though what stands out in the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao are the site specific and installation works of art. These are usually large scale sculptures have been That created to be shown in a specific area of the Guggenheim.

Canary Islands Spain Online Travel

Canary Islands Travel Deals

Canary Islands Spain Vacations
Each of the islands while Offers a Distinctive experience, they want all facets offer That make the Canary Islands, an interesting destination. Along the coasts, you'll find the beaches, ranging from quiet, off-the-beaten path to volcanic beaches coves with all of the visitor amenities, primed for fun. Travel to the Canary Islands is possible by water and seafood. Depart regular flights from Madrid, Barcelona, and other hub cities in Europe, as well as from Morocco. Also it's easy to get from island to island since the Canary Island flights regularly travel Between the seven major islands, as do Ferries and Catamarans. For boaters with their own vessels, a Vast network of well-stocked marinas Covers the coasts of the Various islands.

A modern transportation network will from vacationers Ensure That Can Get Nowhere they want want to go after they've arrived. The Same goes for the other Canary Islands, whether you make reservations for a resort on the beach at Gran Canera, a hotel in one of the cities of Tenerife, or one of the secluded villas of Lanzarote, There Will Be a mix of natural beauty and modern amenities waiting for you on your Canary Islands vacation. The Canary Islands unfurl like a ribbon in the Atlantic Ocean. An autonomous region of Spain is actually much closer to northern Africa. On your island holidays, you'll have the chance to visit the golden-sand beaches, mighty volcanoes, hip cities, relaxing resorts, fantastic shopping, Lush gardens, natural wonders, and so much more. Around the Various Islas Canarias, you'll have the chance to tour volcanic craters, explore the Caves, and wind your way through interesting national parks.

The tallest mountain in Spain, Mount Teide, is located on the island of Tenerife and is a part of a national park. Much of the islands have been set aside as World Biosphere Reserves, as declared by UNESCO, Which will of the Varied Landscapes protect for generations to come. The Pristine laurel forests, today protected by the National Park of Garajonay, look much like they want Pls did the famed explorer stopped by. The island is a favorite place for hiking and bird watching. Even though much of La Gomera is set aside as a nature Preserve, you'll still find all of the Modern Comforts today's vacationers enjoy. You'll find well-equipped hotels Canary Islands, savory restaurants, many choices for shopping, spa treatments, Museums, and a golf course on the beautiful island.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Balearic Islands Spain Travel Tours

Balearic Islands Vacations Travel

Balearic Islands Spain Travel Tours
The Balearic Islands are comprised of four main islands, and a series of Smaller, or "minor" islands. The four major islands, in order from biggest to smallest acres. The Largest of the Balearic Islands, is Known not only for its breathtaking beaches and island sunsets, but Also for its mountains That covers a good portion of the island. These mountains are a popular attraction for hikers visiting Mallorca. Mallorca and the other Balearic Islands have changed from Standard and Poor famous tourist destinations, that the island now boasts an amazing more than 2.000 restaurants. Also There are a range of options to suit any desired vacation in terms of lodgings, from Beachfront condominiums and villas, to hotels, motels, and even Hostels.

Ibiza is the third Largest of the Balearic archipelago, and although it is trying to a large extent to shed its image as a tourist destination wild party, it is Known as the hotspot for nightlife and partying. Ibiza is a popular destination for many Celebrities WHO visit During the summer months for the Fabled beach parties and clubs. The Balearic Islands are collectively Considered a province of Spain, although they want maintained relatively Autonomy. The capital is the city of Palma, and there are two official languages on These islands: Spanish and Catalan. Can you enjoy a variety of activities.

Besides the Obvious relaxation in the sun and warm waters, Tourists Are Able to take part in boating excursions to uninhabited islands Poor 'Cabrera.
Which literally takes its name from being Nearby Smaller than Mallorca, is less developed than its larger counterpart and has managed to remain a bit less Affected by tourism. Different Cultural Influences meld together on this island to offer a Distinctive travel experience for its visitors. Evidence of Catalan, Spanish, and British traditions Can be seen in the island's cuisine, architecture, summer fiestas, and as a result of on their former colonial rulers, a lingering affinity for gin.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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Pictures Of Spain is reporting each month on the trends of Spain’s hotel industry, reporting on and interpreting the monthly figures released by Spain’s Institute of National Statistics (INE), which reveal the varying fluctuations of the country’s hotel sector, covering price rises and falls, hotel occupancy rates, changes in overnight stay figures and the origin of non-resident hotel guests. also provides a detailed regional breakdown of the figures.

March 2009 Overview

The big news to emerge this month from the INE is the 7.3% drop in average hotel prices throughout Spain in March compared to the same month in 2008. Assigned a points rating by the Hotel Price Index (HPI), this drop represents a fall of 9.5 points; a clear indication that a number of hotels throughout Spain have been forced to cut their prices in the wake of falling hotel figures.

So have these price cuts had any positive effect? Initial analysis would seem to suggest not. The second talking point to emerge from this month’s figures is the reported 18.9% fall in overall overnight stays in hotels in March compared to last year. While the average stay increased by 0.6% to 2.9 nights per guest, the indications are that people are still travelling much less than they used to in 2008.

Taken as a quarterly figure, 2009 has so far seen 16% fewer overnight stays when compared to the first three months of last year, yet these figures may be skewed somewhat by the fact that Easter - a traditionally busy time for the hotel sector - fell in March last year and April this year, so it is expected that next month’s figures will paint a clearer picture by way of comparison.

In terms of average hotel occupancy rates, the downward trend continued. While the 42.2% occupancy rate for March was better than the previous month (February 2009 saw an average occupancy rate of just 40.3%), this is to be expected given that Springtime always attracts more travellers than late winter. More pertinent, however, is that fact that hotel occupancy rates in March this year were down by 16.8% when compared to last year; which is a greater decrease than last month (when 2009 rates were only 14% worse than 2008), suggesting that the credit crunch is still having a negative effect. As ever, the weekend occupancy rates were better, with 48.7% of hotel rooms occupied - although this still represented a fall of 13.7% compared to last year.

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