Thursday, July 1, 2010



Located in the heart of southeast Asia, Thailand is an exotic escape that can provide travelers with a variety of different vacation options. Whether you're in the mood to soak up a little culture, experience an eco-adventure or just rest and relax, Thailand vacations have something for everyone.

Thailand vacations can take you to a variety of different places. You could journey back in time and visit the ancient capital of Ayutthaya or enjoy the world from a different perspective by taking a ride on an elephant. Thailand's colorful capital, Bangkok, offers delicious restaurants, historic monuments and the chance to do a little bargain hunting at the local markets. While Thailand attractions might be varied, it is very important to always remember to respect its dress code when visiting sacred temples and other places of interest. Modesty is the best policy, shoulders should be covered and short-shorts should be avoided. Men should wear socks and sandals when visiting temples and wear long pants.

Thailand travel is relatively easy, thanks to major airports located in Bangkok and Phuket. While the plane ticket might be costly and the flight might be long (typical flights from North America are upwards of 15 hours), Thailand vacations can be quite inexpensive once you've landed. Bangkok is one of the cheapest cities in the world to visit and resort accommodations can be incredibly reasonable rates.

Thailand tours are often arranged according to the season. The northern part of the country enjoys three seasons: hot from March through May, rainy from June to October and cool from November through February. Meanwhile the southern part of Thailand only has two seasons: wet and dry. When planning southern Thailand vacations, remember that the seasons are not the same on both sides of the peninsula. The west coast has its monsoon season from April to October while the east coast experiences its wet season from September to December.

Thailand tours often feature a few days at one of its many beautiful beaches. While the pristine sands, dramatic scenery and crystal clear waters make these Thailand attractions a natural draw for those seeking a little romance; those who love water sports also enjoy the beaches. Sea kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving and jet skiing are all activities that can be enjoyed at the more popular beaches. If you're looking to spend a little time on the water, there are plenty of Thailand tours that will take you to secluded beaches for a day or treat you to a five-day snorkeling adventure where you'll be able to view exotic fish including lionfish and scorpion fish.

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