Thursday, April 29, 2010

History The Chagall Museum, France Travel

History The Chagall Museum, France Travel.....................
Chagall was born in 1887 into a close-knit Jewish family in Belarus, then part of the Russian Empire. He MOVED to France before the Russian Revolution to be a part of the Paris art scene and WENT on changed from a celebrated French citizen. Chagall Paintings in Museums around the world often depict biblical scenes or scenes of Belarusian folklore. Many Chagall Paintings in Museums acres deep in the spiritual meaning and metaphors influenced by his Jewish upbringing And His Sympathy for the Christian message. The First Twelve Paintings constitute a cycle, Each drawing as its subject a Narrative episodes recited in the Old Testament.

The other five Paintings illustrate the Song of Songs, not as a homogenous series, but as Five Variations on the Same-love theme.
The artist said of the Chagall Museum Nice That he hoped people would leave having "found a certain peace, a certain religiosity, a feeling of life" And that after seeing the work, viewers would 'Hear on their music and poetry on their guided by the heart . entrance to both the permanent and temporary exhibits is A Few dollars more. The Chagall Museum is free for Those under 18 at all times and for everybody on the first Sunday of Every month. It contains Seventeen superbly displayed large canvases depicting biblical scenes and themes from the Old Testament in bright, joyous colors.

Also holds the Chagall Museum sculptures, stained glass windows, mosaics, tapestries, preparatory Sketches, engravings, and lithographs from this Important 20th-Century artist.
If you guys are looking for Things to do in Nice, the museum is an excellent option. It is on the Boulevard de Cimiez about two miles from the Nice beaches, near the Matisse Museum. . The rooms are light, white, and cool, with large windows Providing a perfect outdoor backdrop of greenery to the bright pinks and Reds of the canvases. Designed Himself a Chagall stained-glass window for the museum and contributed a mosaic.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hectic With The Event Carnival France Destination

Hectic With The Event Carnival France Destination............
In France carnival provided the last opportunity to eat rich and fatty cuisine before the forty-day fast of Lent. Carnival in France Became a period Pls help the Catholic Church's restrictions Were Relaxed and people, disguised behind masks, delighted in activity forbidden at other times of year. Saturday 10 days before Mardi Gras with the arrival of the carnival king. There are parades Every night or day for the entire carnival.At the height of the carnival Nice, France is Awash with flowers.

Since 1876 the carnival in Nice, France has a Bataille de Fleurs Included.
Costumed men and women throw flowers approximately 100 000 to an enthusiastic audience. Some 90% of the flowers-carnations, daisies, gerberas, gladioli, mimosa, roses, and other-acre Varieties Produced locally, highlighting the variety and quality of the flowers grown in the French Riviera. The flower parade takes Places Trust During the Nice carnival times. the biggest and most spectacular in the country.

At the time of carnival Nice, France erupts into a citywide party, with parades in the Daytime and evening and a large Bonfire and fireworks on Mardi Gras Itself.
Flower processions, floats, and parties make Nice the place to be for carnival in France. In the years before the revolution in France Involved masked carnival balls and Dances for the French aristocracy. Each year since the 1873 carnival Nice, France has had a "committee for the parties," to organize more spectacular floats, more grotesque and fabulous costumes, and a more stunning celebratory atmosphere. Events like the flower parades make the carnival in Nice, France the liveliest in the country and one of the best of all France's events. In France carnival is a time of celebration and Nice has unrestricted the most spectacular carnival in France.

View Amazing The Torre de Belem, Portugal Travel

View Amazing The Torre de Belem, Portugal Travel.................
Belem Tower lies in the adornment of the exterior. Ropes are carved out of stone, are of openwork balconies and the watchtowers are Designed in a distinct Moorish style. Below the terrace lies a Gothic styled interiors Which at one time the stored arms and was Also Used as a Prison. Things to do here include climbing up the tower, Which is the most alluring part of Belem Tower. Torre de Belem has a sonorous and distinguished shape and its light coloring is contrasted by the blue sky and the waters of the River Tagus During the day. By night it is a lit-up vision of beauty.

Tagus River and right Across from the beach at Restelo. On Each corner of the citadel lie Which Sentry posts are crowned by a melon-shaped domes That exemplifies the style Used in supports in Morocco. The most adorned part of Belem Portugal is definitely the south-facing side. All along the south side runs the mezzanines That have intricately carved limestone incorporated into Them. Belem Tower was originally built back in 1515-1521 as a fortress to protect the entrance to Lisbon's Harbor.

Had it been a starting point for many Discovery Voyages in Hopes of finding new trade routes and for many sailors it was the last sight of Allah they want on their Homeland for a long time. as the tower is Also Known, was Designed by an architect by the name of Francisco de Arruda. Before the tower he worked on Portugese architecture style in areas of Morocco. Arcaded ethereal windows and Venetian-style mezzanines faced the river as well as an image of Our Lady. Thousands of people flock though to Belem Lisbon Every year to admire its beautiful design, it was not looked upon as fondly by the people living During the time it was constructed.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Travel Destinations

Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Travel Destinations.....................
This led him "to Donate Important pieces to the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga in Lisbon. He wished for his entire collection from over the years to be together under one roof Nowhere Could other people enjoy it and he got his wish in 1956. favorite museums and displays many interesting and exotic pieces.

The second loop encompasses art from Europe and includes Different components committed to sculpture painting, The Art of the Book, and decorative arts.
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Also administers the funding for The Gulbenkian Prize for Museums and galleries. The purpose of the prize is to "To benefit and stimulate originality, Imagination and excellence in Museums and galleries in the UK". The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 5:54 pm and is closed on Mondays and holidays. Free admission concerts and recitals are offered on Sundays at noon Trust in the Library atrium aces.

Calouste Gulbenkian is a one of the better Known Of These passionate treasurers WHO amassed an accumulation of objects large and small over many years. Gulbenkian was born into a family of Wealthy merchants in 1869. The petroleum industry took up many years of his life and throughout Those years he spent most of his time in Middle Eastern Islamic countries working and collecting pieces. The Calouste Gulbenkian Museum is home to a large collection of very interesting works from Various Different countries. There is a permanent collection at the museum, That Is assigned in its geographical and Chronological order Which establishes two separate routes in the overall tour of the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Madeira Island - Portugal Travel Destination

Madeira Island - Portugal Travel DestinationMadeira Island - Portugal Travel Destination

Madeira Island - Portugal Travel DestinationMadeira Island - Portugal Travel Destination

Madeira Island - Portugal Travel DestinationMadeira Island - Portugal Travel Destination

Madeira Island - Portugal Travel Destination
Madeira Island, Portugal Travel Destination........................
The island of Madeira itself is effectively the peak of a large volcanic mass. As such, the island's soil is a rich volcanic soil that encourages an array of plants to thrive. In addition to flowers, Madeira Island is an excellent place to grow bananas, mangoes, apples, and avocados. Bananas are actually the island's chief export crop, and numerous flowers, such as orchids, also figure among the main exports. Madeira wine is heavily exported as well, thanks to its unique and renowned qualities. The island of Madeira wasn't always an ideal place to grow wine grapes and other things, however. When two Portuguese explorers discovered Madeira Island in 1419, virgin forests reigned supreme.

The main city of Funchal makes for an ideal place to arrange a guided tour of the island's mountainous terrain, though you might start by touring the city itself. Exploring the lovely Praca do Municipio, or Municipal Square, is always something that is worth adding to your Madeira Island travel plans. For those who are staying at one of the Funchal hotels, some of the tour companies that specialize in full island visits offer hotel pickup, which is convenient if you don't wish to explore on your own by way of rental car. Taxis are also available for getting around, as are buses, and you can always go by foot if you please.There are plenty of good Madeira Island hotels to choose from, and while the archipelago is 527 miles southwest of the Portuguese mainland, getting here is relatively easy.

Most visitors fly over from Lisbon, and flights between Madeira Island and Porto Santo are available if you want to travel between the two main islands. You can also fly direct from London if you please. Arriving on a cruise ship is another way to get here, as Madeira Island is a popular stop on the European cruise scene. While Madeira Island travel is popular year round, April through May and September through October are arguably the best times to visit. Interestingly enough, a relatively cool mist tends to move in over Madeira Island come August, so you might avoid an August visit if possible. Regardless of when you decide to enjoy your Madeira Island vacation, the flowers should be in bloom. Essentially one big botanical garden, Madeira Island brims with geraniums, bougainvilleas, hydrangeas, and a list of other flower species.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel Destination

Lisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel DestinationLisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel Destination
Lisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel DestinationLisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel Destination
Lisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel DestinationLisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel Destination
Lisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel Destination
Lisbon Oceanarium Portugal Travel Destination................
The cost is 9 Euros per adult, 5 Euros for Seniors, 4:50 Euros for ages 4 to 12 children under 3 are free. Check prices before purchasing tickets as they want are subject to change. Visit The Oceanario Between 10:00 pm and 8: pm Monday to Friday and Until 7:00 pm in the winter months. Dining is available at the café inside. When combining These four elements, an ideal representation of the complete ocean environment is created. When at the Oceanario Lisbon shows a side That Is not often seen. Creatures from its flourishing waters abound with underwater life from around the world. The Oceanario Also has special events and features of Standard and Poor 'the "Backstage Tour" Which is a 45 minute tour led by a marine educator that takes visitors to areas Nowhere the public does not normally get to see.

It Sits centrally and is a fantastic display Pls carefully lit up at night.
This is one of the most Favored Lisbon attractions in Parque das Nacoes contemporary. Other attractions in the area include the Atlantic Pavilion, Which is located next door to the aquarium and hosts a variety of events During the year. This is one of the Lisbon sights That kids love best. Transportation to the Oceanario Can be Had by Lisbon's convenient metro.

Take the metro to Oriente, Which Is the red line, and walk through the shopping mall Vasco da Gama.
The aquarium is inhabited by over 16.000 plants and animals That represent over 450 distinct species. A Journey through the Oceanario de Lisboa leaves visitors awestruck by the Vast amount of amazing aquatic life. The Different species Can be watched from Various levels to see the coastal and underwater habitats. The Oceanario Is The Largest Aquarium in Europe. There is only one aquarium That Is Bigger and that's the Osaka Aquarium in Japan. Interestingly the architect WHO built the aquarium in Japan Is the Same architect, named Peter Chermayeff, the WHO built this facility Lisbon sights. The biggest draw of the aquarium is the massive, central tank inside That Is home to many species of Poor 'ocean sharks, tuna and large groupers.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Igreja de Sao Roque, Portugal Travel Destination

Portugal Travel DestinationIgreja de Sao Roque, Portugal Travel Destination
Portugal Travel DestinationIgreja de Sao Roque, Portugal Travel Destination
Portugal Travel DestinationIgreja de Sao Roque, Portugal Travel Destination
Portugal Travel Destination
Igreja de Sao Roque, Portugal Travel Destination....................
The chapel was originally Designed and built in Rome in 1742. It took eight years for St. Roch to come to fruition. It was built from Some of the most expensive materials found at the time Poor 'alabaster, jade, Agate, amethyst and marble. Jesuit preferences are what kept the exterior of the church so plain but the interior is beautiful. When visitors enter the Portuguese church 'there is a lot of space is adorned with decorations That is in homage to the royal patronage. There is a blend of tile paneling, marble and gold leafing That adds to the scenic impressions. In current day the Portuguese church belongs to a religious charity foundation That Also runs the museum adjacent to it.

There is no cost to explore the church but the museum costs under two Euros.
During Sao Roque is open weekdays from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and on weekends from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. If needing transportation to the site while in Lisbon Portugal the Baixa-Chiado metro line of the city will from a take you there. Also the Coaches Museum is located in Lisbon Portugal and is a curious place That Vast and displays the most valuable collection of coaches Used to transport the Portugese elite. It's housed in a royal riding school That is part of the lovely Belem Palace. The history of the church is intriguing. St.

Roch Used to lie beyond the walls of Lisbon Portugal in the 16th Century cut-off from the rest of the city.
It acted as a burial ground for Those killed off by the plague Because of it's isolated situation behind the great walls. Shipping the pieces of the Portuguese church in it's entirety cost a fortune but it managed to arrive safety and Saint Roch Church was re-assembled in 1747. The Paintings inside the Sao Roque Were done circa 1588 by a Portugese artist by the name of Francisco Venegas. He was one of the first to ever attempt using an artistic technique Called Majolica. Take a short walk over to the Casa do FADO e da Guitarra Portuguesa, a museum Nowhere Can you learn about the history of traditional music FADO.

Historic Centre Of Oporto, Portugal Travel Destination

Historic Centre Of Oporto, Portugal Travel Destination...................
The Moors relinquished the historic center of Oporto Portugal in the 11th century. Later on in the 17th century developed as an exporting Oporto leader of port wine and in 1890 an artificial Harbor added to Porto's growth. Ths historic heart of Oporto is surrounded by a wall built in the Roman period. The original set of plans are from the 12th Century while the second stage of plans was created in the 14th century. The Romanesque wall encloses the medieval area in the city center. A typical tour includes a visit May to the old stock exchange as well as a visit to the Sao Francisco church was built and rebuilt Which throughout the 13th, 17th and 18th century.

The Ribeira Quarter is of interest as well and the Douro River borders offering a fantastic view.
A port wine taste is most often Included in tours and one of the many port wine cellars is visited. Ancient port wine cellars are still located in the historic center in Vila Nova de Gaia. When choosing a coach tour of Oporto Portugal May be a part of an extended tour or related parties in the entire tour. Also coach tours often Provide choices for optional excursions That extra cost, so do confirm before opting for extras. The historic center of Oporto, or Porto, is Portugal's second Largest city, the capital of the alluring north and has 1.000 years of history behind it. It's Known mainly for its trade in wine Which route takes on the Douro River That Begins in Spain.

One of the many Things to do in the historic center of Oporto is to take a fun Douro River cruise.
There are many points of interest in the old Cobble-Stoned quarter of the city including the Facebook Facebook de Santa Clara. The plain interior in no way represents the artistic masterpiece of the interior. Almost Every part of the inside is covered in a blanket of Gilded and carved woodwork created by passionate craftmasters of the 17th century. Se Cathedral is another attraction of a medieval originally founded by queen and Designed in the Romanesque style. This was after the Republic was established and Porto Experienced a time of new Renovation. In the later 20th century the city decided That the historic center needed Some reconstruction and revitalization comprised of Archaeological, social, architectural and urban aspects.

Convent of Christ in Tomar, Portugal Travel Destination

Convent of Christ in Tomar, Portugal Travel Destination..................
Also he feared on their growing power and wanted to put a stop to it and in 1307, he did just That by accusing the Knights of Templar of dissidence. They Were accused of more than 100 charges including devil worship and the denying of Christ During initiation Rituals. There Were confessions induced by Torture, Which many believed and Others Did. The Convent of Christ in Tomar is the combination of a castle and a Convent Used in Knights Templar history. The Convent was added later as an extension to the castle, Which began construction in 1160. The history of the Convent of Christ in Tomar denotes Which That the land on the castle was built and Had been given to the Order of the Knights of Templar in exchange for on their support against the Moors.

To focus on the mind and spirit as one, in Knights Templar history would they want Meditate Twice daily and before Each battle.
They utilized sacred symbol and geometry in on their Rituals and ceremonies and Truly believed in the Brotherhood of mankind. Today, the Knights Templar of Britannia live by the identical code of honor of the Knights Templar history. Oath swore on their though Them to live in poverty, many donations and gifts bestowed upon the orders Were and Were not refused. The resources Were Used to build on land given to Them by Various people. They Became Wealthy extremely powerful and so they want That Came to Demise after being accused of heresy. The Convent of Christ in Tomar has a great significance in Portugal's history Poor 'Torre de Belem do and Saint Roch Church, the defining interesting parts of the past. Were there though numerous Myths Regarding the Knights of Templar, the fact they want That Remains Were A fascinating organization, Which was originally based on the inherent goodness.

the Convent of Christ in Tomar appears as a massive, fortress-like castle. The entrance is a small, well-hidden door, Which upon entering, overcomes many visitors with its richness. This one of the Knights Templar locations seized to be Used by the shortly after on their dissolve in 1312. Transportation to the Convent by train from Fatima, Batalha Nazaré or is a 30 to 45 minute ride. Well stocked financial resources as well as a military mission drove the Knights Templar to fund many building endeavors around the Holy Land and Europe. The best Known of the Knights Templar locations is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and scientific research confirms Indeed That Had they want built on their base there.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Castelo de Sao Jorge, Portugal Travel Destination

Castelo de Sao Jorge, Portugal Travel Destination...................
St George Castle Was Used as a royal palace Lisbon Even Before Became the capital of the new Portuguese kingdom in 1255. As the center of Government, the Castelo de Sao Jorge Became the most important of all castles in Portugal. Lisbon's Castelo de Sao Jorge (St. George Castle) dominates the capital city from ITS perch on top of the Highest of Lisbon's seven hills. Today, visitors flock to the Castelo de Sao Jorge for STI panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. As with Other castles in Portugal, the Moors built much of the Surviving structure of the Castelo de Sao Jorge. In 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, Christian soldiers led by Dom Afonso Henriques Expelled besieged the castle and the Moors from Lisbon. (A statue of Henriques, the first king of Portugal, stands by the main entrance of the Castelo de Sao Jorge).

A major Period of restoration in the 1940s restored St George Castle to STI Programme was splendor as the most Imposing of all castles of Portugal. Most of the major walls and ramparts are well preserved Still. A trek to the top of the One of These towers is a must for all visitors to Lisbon. The views of the city and the Tagus River from the towers are spectacular. The Castelo de Sao Jorge Lost Some of Its Importance in the early 16th century, King Manual When I built a new royal residence elsewhere in Lisbon. It Suffered heavy destruction in the great Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and Was in a state of disrepair Some When It Became a national monument in 1910.

The gardens of the Castelo de Sao Jorge Also are beautiful and well Maintained, and many ducks and geese roam around the castle's interior.
Also Impressive is the five-arched ogival House, eleven part of the 17th century jail Located Within St George Castle. The Open Museum complex recently, the Interpretation Center for the City of Lisbon, is well worth a visit. Scenes from Lisbon Taken From the Periscope at the top of the Tower of Ulysses are Reflected in a dark room in the center. King Denis I built a royal palace (now in ruins) in the Castle Grounds and the Portuguese national archive Was stored in one of the guard towers.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Azores Islands, Portugal Travel Destination

Azores Islands, Portugal Travel Destination....................
The Azores are a little like Hawaii, minus the tropical climate. The climate here is actually more akin to what you Might Expect in Rhode Island, Which, coincidentally, is a state That many Azoreans emigrated to in the mid-to-late 1900s. The banning of whaling in the Azores Islands in the 1980s has a lot to do with the younger Islanders WHO continue to Emigrate to other countries to this day. Sao Miguel, Terceira, Faial and Boast the most in the way of hotels and other traveler amenities, though there are Some Smaller hotels on the islands as well if you are up for Some island hopping.

When possible, book your stay in advance is a good idea Pls it's a summertime vacation Azores That you have in mind, though you Should not have too much trouble securing Accommodations even if you arrive without reservations During the peak season.
Summer is the peak season for travel to the Azores Islands, thanks to the Warmer temperatures and the relative lack of rain, though Can you visit year round if you do not mind duller weather conditions. A thick fog tends to move in over the islands in October, and the winters tend to be on the dreary side. Rugged Volcanic hills and valleys help to make for good Sightseeing regardless of the month, so you do not have to visit in the summer if it's not convenient for you. Summer is the best time to hit the Azores beaches, however, Which is worth keeping in mind.

The banning of whaling in the Azores Islands in the 1980s has a lot to do with the younger Islanders WHO continue to Emigrate to other countries to this day. Farming is now the main industry in the Azores Islands. The volcanic soil helps to support agricultural pursuits, and since the islands are surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean waters, fishing is big too. Some Can You definitely enjoy deep sea fishing on your vacation Azores, and whale watching trips as well Can be Arranged if you prefer. There are Plenty of wonderful walking and biking trails in the Azores, and while cycling is popular Enough, walking is even more popular. Pico Island, Which is home to Portugal's tallest mountain, is one of the best walking and hiking destinations in the Azores Islands. Sao Jorge Island is ideal for coastal hikes, thanks to its coastal rambles, and great treks Also Can be Had on the islands of Flores and Corvo, and Sao Miguel. Sao Miguel is Also a good destination if you are Interested in doing Some scuba diving, as are the islands of Faial and Terceira.

Alfama, Portugal Travel Destination

Alfama, Portugal Travel Destination.....................
Lisbon Alfama survived the earthquake of 1755 yet many old houses cans still be found down winding alleyways. The Alfama Lisbon area is home to many traditional grocers and workshops and daily life carries on at a slower pace than most are Used to in the rest of the city. Most rewarding for photographers and Walkers Alfama Lisbon provides a backdrop of medieval quarters with twisting alleyways and spectacular views. The Igreja de Sao Roque, or Saint Roch Church is of particular interest, as is Se Cathedral Which is a large and ancient fortress dating back to circa 1150 AD Also Lisbon attractions include the Museu do Chiado home to Some Magnificent artwork and the Tile Museum Which Is a Favorite Among visitors.

Restaurants in Alfama are often small and only Provide A Few tables but the food is unbeatable. The medieval maze of the Alfama in Lisbon is much like the gothic quarter of Barcelona and is really an attraction Itself Providing endless entertainment from just walking around. Translated from the Moorish word "Al-hamma," Which means "Baths" Alfama's Streets are slim and Hilly and flanked with bars and restaurants Hear Nowhere Tourists will from an earful of "FADO," Portugese traditional music. Running alongside of the Alfama district is the Tagus River and a nice view Can be Had Pls up high. Traveling back in Portugese history, building whitewashed walls topped with bright red rooftops dominate the area. Dating back to the 12th century, at Alfama traces provides a Glimpse of the Lives of both the Romans and the Arabs.

There are so many attractions Lisbon That planning ahead Can be the best way to see as much as possible. The Gulbenkian Museum features works from a private collection including Egyptian sculptures and Fascinating Persian art.A Portugal tour cans be a great way to take advantage of much of what the country Offers. Tours operate on many Different time lines from a half day to a week or more. A Portugal tour Almost always takes visitors through Lisbon and the Alfama district. Some tours have themes Poor 'shopping or visiting wineries, while Others focus on a variety of attractions.

Petajavesi Church, Finlad Travel Destination

Petajavesi Church, Finlad Travel Destination..................
The Petäjävesi Old Church was built Between 1763 and 1765, and it was Designed by Jaako Klementinpoika Leppanen, WHO was a master Carpenter. The original structure lacked a bell tower, so Leppanen's grandson Erkki added one in 1821. Architectural buffs will from Quickly notice That the Church Petäjävesi exhibits both a Renaissance and a Gothic design, the inner vaults certainly indicative of the Gothic style. When you enter this exquisite Lutheran Church in Finland, the amount of wood Used to construct it impresses IMMEDIATELY.

Visiting the Petäjävesi Church is just one idea for interesting Things to do in Finland, and there are Plenty of other Churches and cathedrals Finnish That Might interest you as well if you enjoy historic structures and Standard and Poor.
The main Helsinki Cathedral is one of the most impressive in the country, for starters, and there are Plenty of other Churches Helsinki That Might find Finland on their way onto your vacation itinerary as well. The Old Church in Helsinki, Which was built in the 1820s, was Designed by famed architect, Carl Engel, and it deserves a look if you have the time. The ceiling is of particular interest, and it rises to form a steep dome over the crossing point of the church's two main naves.

The angular design of the domed roof is striking Indeed, and concealing the seams Between the wooden planks are red stripes painted on That Were.
It is believed That the ceiling was finished by 1764, since there are indicative marks left behind from the original Carpenters. Pine planks of a Reddish hue are widely integrated in the Petäjävesi Church ceiling as well. The Petäjävesi Old Church is one of the most interesting Churches in all of Finland. It is found in the small Municipality of Petäjävesi, Which is just a 1.5 hour drive north of Tampere. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Petäjävesi Church is a fine example of a traditional Lutheran church, and it is built in a style That is endemic to the eastern reaches of Scandinavia. These Paintings are younger than the church Itself, having been added in 1843. When standing outside the Petäjävesi Lutheran Church in Finland, the Stacked roof continues to impress. While circling the outside of the church, you will of find the structure's main door on its southern side. The door features its original paneling, although the paneling has been reversed to help Preserve it from the elements.