Sunday, April 4, 2010

History Malbork Castle, Poland

History Malbork Castle, Poland................
The castle in Malbork was built in Prussia and Became the seat of the Teutonic Order and The Largest Gothic fortress in all of Europe. In the beginning, the castle and town Were Called Marienburg, Which is not what it appears to be. In fact, the castle is three Castles in-one. The Malbork Castle is the Largest brick castle in the world and the most stunning in Europe. Of course, Malbork travel must take you to visit this beautiful castle and museum.

The Malbork Castle is home to many wonderful Permanent Exhibitions Poor 'The History of the Church of St..
Mary, the Infirmary at the Middle Class, and The Mill in the High Castle in Malbork, to name a few.This church has been around since around the 13th century, however, it was rebuilt many times due to destruction During the war. The interior of the church May not be much to talk about except for the neo-Gothic altar and the medieval sculpture of St.. Elizabeth of Turin.Along with Churches, May you wish to visit the Soviet Army Cemetery.

The Tombstones date back to 1948 with the Graves of 529 soldiers That Died for the cause.Malbork Poland Offers Same Hotel Accommodations at the hotel.
The hotel is home in the former Teutonic hospital for lansquenets and Offers a unique stay in the medieval fortress. The Hotel Offers a one café, three restaurants, and a comfortable night's sleep.

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