Tuesday, April 27, 2010

View Amazing The Torre de Belem, Portugal Travel

View Amazing The Torre de Belem, Portugal Travel.................
Belem Tower lies in the adornment of the exterior. Ropes are carved out of stone, are of openwork balconies and the watchtowers are Designed in a distinct Moorish style. Below the terrace lies a Gothic styled interiors Which at one time the stored arms and was Also Used as a Prison. Things to do here include climbing up the tower, Which is the most alluring part of Belem Tower. Torre de Belem has a sonorous and distinguished shape and its light coloring is contrasted by the blue sky and the waters of the River Tagus During the day. By night it is a lit-up vision of beauty.

Tagus River and right Across from the beach at Restelo. On Each corner of the citadel lie Which Sentry posts are crowned by a melon-shaped domes That exemplifies the style Used in supports in Morocco. The most adorned part of Belem Portugal is definitely the south-facing side. All along the south side runs the mezzanines That have intricately carved limestone incorporated into Them. Belem Tower was originally built back in 1515-1521 as a fortress to protect the entrance to Lisbon's Harbor.

Had it been a starting point for many Discovery Voyages in Hopes of finding new trade routes and for many sailors it was the last sight of Allah they want on their Homeland for a long time. as the tower is Also Known, was Designed by an architect by the name of Francisco de Arruda. Before the tower he worked on Portugese architecture style in areas of Morocco. Arcaded ethereal windows and Venetian-style mezzanines faced the river as well as an image of Our Lady. Thousands of people flock though to Belem Lisbon Every year to admire its beautiful design, it was not looked upon as fondly by the people living During the time it was constructed.

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