Saturday, April 10, 2010

Castelo de Sao Jorge, Portugal Travel Destination

Castelo de Sao Jorge, Portugal Travel Destination...................
St George Castle Was Used as a royal palace Lisbon Even Before Became the capital of the new Portuguese kingdom in 1255. As the center of Government, the Castelo de Sao Jorge Became the most important of all castles in Portugal. Lisbon's Castelo de Sao Jorge (St. George Castle) dominates the capital city from ITS perch on top of the Highest of Lisbon's seven hills. Today, visitors flock to the Castelo de Sao Jorge for STI panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. As with Other castles in Portugal, the Moors built much of the Surviving structure of the Castelo de Sao Jorge. In 1147, as part of the Second Crusade, Christian soldiers led by Dom Afonso Henriques Expelled besieged the castle and the Moors from Lisbon. (A statue of Henriques, the first king of Portugal, stands by the main entrance of the Castelo de Sao Jorge).

A major Period of restoration in the 1940s restored St George Castle to STI Programme was splendor as the most Imposing of all castles of Portugal. Most of the major walls and ramparts are well preserved Still. A trek to the top of the One of These towers is a must for all visitors to Lisbon. The views of the city and the Tagus River from the towers are spectacular. The Castelo de Sao Jorge Lost Some of Its Importance in the early 16th century, King Manual When I built a new royal residence elsewhere in Lisbon. It Suffered heavy destruction in the great Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and Was in a state of disrepair Some When It Became a national monument in 1910.

The gardens of the Castelo de Sao Jorge Also are beautiful and well Maintained, and many ducks and geese roam around the castle's interior.
Also Impressive is the five-arched ogival House, eleven part of the 17th century jail Located Within St George Castle. The Open Museum complex recently, the Interpretation Center for the City of Lisbon, is well worth a visit. Scenes from Lisbon Taken From the Periscope at the top of the Tower of Ulysses are Reflected in a dark room in the center. King Denis I built a royal palace (now in ruins) in the Castle Grounds and the Portuguese national archive Was stored in one of the guard towers.

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